Segundo-Ortin, M. & Raja, V. (13.12.2024). “The ecological self-organization of agency”. XIII Workshop on the Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences (PBCS). University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain).
Segundo-Ortin, M. & Raja, V. (10.12.2024). “The ecological self-organization of agency”. METIS Research Seminar. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid (Spain).
Segundo-Ortin, M. (28.11.2024). “Comparative psychology. What can we learn from studying plants?” Flora in Focus: Tracing the Roots of Plants in History, Philosophy & Society. Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany).
Segundo-Ortin, M. (16.10.2024). “An alternative to the cognitive affordance hypothesis”. Human Interactivity and Language Lab Seminar Series. Univerity of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (26.09.2024). “Affordances: lo que son y lo que podrían ser”. Explorando las affordances. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid, Spain.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (11.09.2024). “The philosophy of plant cognition. A naturalistic take on comparative cognition and plant behavior studies”. Gest Lecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Studies (Course: Plant Critical Studies). Uppsala, Sweden.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (13.06.2024). «Rethinking agency in ecological psychology». Varieties of Norms. Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (07.05.2024). “Comparative cognitive science: What can we learn from plants?” Convegno internazionalle Filosofia delle piante. Università degli Studi G. d’Annuzio Chienti – Pescara. Pescara, Italy.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (26.04.2024). “Affordances, explanations in cognitive science, and the risk of triviality.” Cognitive affordances: Theoretical foundations and developments. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. CDMX, México.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (30.11.2023). “Neither mindful nor mindless, but minded: habits, ecological psychology, and skilled performance.” Seminario de Filosofía de las habilidades y la acción experta. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. CDMX, México. [Paper co-authored with Manuel Heras-Escribano]
Segundo-Ortin, M. (29.11.2023). “¿Debe la ciencia tener todas las respuestas, o las respuestas para todo?” Cartagena Piensa.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (24.11.2023). “Re-situated cognition: A case study in self-control.” Workshop – Social interaction and social abilities. Norms, scripts & injustices. Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany). [paper co-authored with Annemarie Kalis and Josephine Pascoe]
Segundo-Ortin, M. (15.11.2023). “Are plants cognitive? A reply to Adams”. Basal Cognition Online Lectures. Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany).
Segundo-Ortin, M. (19.10.2023). “The philosophy of plante cognition and sentience: A naturalistic take on comparative cognition and plant behavior studies.” EVORISE Workshop. A tale of two kingdoms: exploring the prospects of animal and plant sentience. CFCUL (Centro de Filosofia das Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa). Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal).
Segundo-Ortin, M. (13.09.2023). “Re-situated cognition: A case study in self-control.” Utrecht Lectures on Topics In Mind and Action (ULTIMA). Utrecht University (The Netherlands). [paper co-authored with Annemarie Kalis and Josephine Pascoe]
Segundo-Ortin, M. (26.07.2023). “Gibsonian comparative cognition: No brain, no gain?”. Sixth Early Career Researchers Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany).
Segundo-Ortin, M. (03.07.2023). “Psicología ecológica: de lo individual a lo social”. Seminario Cognición 4E. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. CDMX, México.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (30.06.2023). “Comparative psychology from an ecological perspective”. International conference on perception and action (ICPA), 2023. Center for Research in Comparative Cognition and Behavior (CICCC), Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara (México).
Segundo-Ortin, M. (09.06.2023). “Ecological psychology. Past and future”. Berlin Workshop on Ecological Psychology 2023. TU Berlin, Germany.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (02.05.2023). “The philosophy of plant cognition. A naturalistic take on comparative cognition and plant behavior studies”. Gest Lecture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Studies (Course: Plant Critical Studies). Uppsala, Sweden.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (27.10.2022). “Plants in comparative cognition: A naturalist perspective”. Guest Lecture at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Course: E-cognition and dynamical systems). Berlin, Germany.
Pascoe, J., & Segundo-Ortin, M. (21.06.2022). “Situated self-controlling”. Lunch seminars. Radboud Universiteit, The Netherlands. [paper co-authored with Annemarie Kalis]
Segundo-Ortin, M. (26.04.2022). “Situated agency: A mindshaping approach to ecological psychology”. Being where: Revisiting Behavior Setting theory. Roskilde University, Denmark. [paper co-authored with Annemarie Kalis]
Segundo-Ortin, M. (20.04.2022). “Situated agency: A mindshaping approach to ecological psychology”. Trabajos en Construcción, TEC. Universidad de Granada, Spain. [paper co-authored with Annemarie Kalis]
Segundo-Ortin, M. (30.03.2022). “Philosophy of other minds: Naturalistic reflections on plant behavior”. IUSS Pavia, Italy.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (03.12.2021). “Social normativity from an embodied and situated perspective”. OZSW 2021 Conference. Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (17.11.2021). “Cognition in plants?”. Aktuelle Philosophie des Geistes. Universität Kassel, Germany.
Kalis, A., Pascoe, J, & Segundo-Ortin, M. (14.10.2021). “Agency and (in)dependence?”. IT’S ALIVE! 4TU.Ethics Bi-annual Conference. Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (26.09.2021). “Socio-cultural norms in ecological psychology: A not so difficult fit”. Situated perspectives on agency and normativity. Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (24.03.2021). “Comportamientos cognitivos en las plantas”. Tercer Congreso Mundial de Transdisciplinariedad Virtual (3CMTvirtual). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (04.01.2021). “From individual to shared perception. Affordances in a socio-normative world”. Max Planck School of Cognition, Germany.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (07.05.2020). “Agency from a radical embodied point of view: An ecological-enactive approach”. ENSO Seminars.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (27.02.2020). “Neither mindful nor mindless. An ecological approach to skilled performance”. Understanding and Explaining Skilled Performance: Looking Across Traditions. University of Wollongong, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (12.10.2019). “No cognitive science without representations? Assessing the Indispensability Thesis”. III Sydney Philosophy of Psychology Meeting. University of Sydney, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (13.07.2019). “Similarity-based cognition without representations”. Evolution and the Embodied Mind. Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (09.07.2019). “Towards a radical embodied theory of agency”. Enaction & Ecological Psychology: Overlaps, Tensions, Complementarities. Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain.
Segundo-Ortin, M., & Hutto, D. D. (05.04.2019). “Similarity-based cognition. Radical enactivism meets neuroscience”. Neural Mechanisms Online.
Segundo-Ortin, M., & Brancazio, N. (05.12.2018). “Seeing the social. Sociocultural specialization and affordance perception”. Australasian Society of Philosophy and Psychology (ASPP) Conference. Macquarie University, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (23.02.2018). “Going radical? Go ecological!”. Naturally Evolving Minds Conference. University of Wollongong, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (06.12.2017). “Going radical? Go ecological!”. Evolving Enactivism Workshop. Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (13.11.2017). “¿Podemos entender las affordances culturales?”. Environment, Cognition, Culture. Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (2017). “What is it to be a naturalist in the philosophy of cognitive science?”. Australian Association of Philosophy (AAP) Conference. University of Adelaide, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (2017). “Are plants intelligent? Empirical discoveries and philosophical explorations”. Philosophy Forum. University of Wollongong, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M., & Peeters, A. (13.05.2017). “Can we afford a new approach to virtual reality?”. II Sydney Philosophy of Psychology Meeting. University of Sydney, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (25.11.2016). “Towards an ecological approach to narrative therapy”. Narrative Therapy and Cultural Affordances. University of Wollongong, Australia.
Segundo-Ortin, M. (2016). “Does ecological psychology need to be RECtyfied?”. Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference. Australia National University, Canberra, Australia
Segundo-Ortin, M. (30.04.2016). “Enriching radical embodied cognition. Can radical enactivism and ecological psychology work together?”. I Sydney Philosophy of Psychology Meeting. University of Sydney, Australia.